Sunday 4 January 2015

You Don't Need a New Year to Make a Change
 by Lucy

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Everyone has that little voice inside themselves that tells them what the right thing to do is. Whether it's quitting our dull day job, breaking away from a bad relationship, or even just eating healthier. If we truly listen to ourselves, we can all find that we have the wisdom we need to figure out how to go forward..

The opportunity to change your life is a real thing. The ability is stored within all of us, and here's the cinch... you don't have to wait for New Year to do it.

If you decide so, you can start being a better person right now. You don't have to wait until next year, or next month, or next week, or tomorrow, or even in an hour. You can start right now; this very second.

All the knowledge you need is right there inside you, available for you to grab. There aren't many more ways I can say it, just trust yourself! 

Yes, it can be scary to act on that inner voice, because that might mean going out of your comfort zone and straying into unfamiliar waters. Sometimes, we don't want to let go of what we have and make a change, so we block out our true feelings, push them down, pretending they're not there, and that we're happy with our current situation. It can be saved for another day, right?

In reality, by putting off an issue, we're just preventing ourselves from achieving the goal that, deep down, we know we really want to achieve. 

You've got the power inside you, and it's there, ready and waiting for you to access any time you like... January's as a good a time as any!

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