Wednesday 3 December 2014

A Little About Me
 by Nicola

I was born and bred in South London, before a brief stint in Wales and have now settled in Bristol for the foreseeable future. My partner and I live in our rented house that’s full of books, colourful cushions, guitars and post-it love notes.

During my childhood I wanted to be a vet, then an equine physiotherapist and then a zoologist. I’ve always loved the outdoors and have fond memories of ambling through fields on the look out for wildlife. I didn’t continue on the road to becoming a critter healer, although my fondness for nature and the outdoors is ever-growing. I get restless if I don’t leave the house every day.

I’ve studied poems, fiction, fine art and my own mind a little too. I’ve spent an immeasurable amount of time in a dark room underground, processing films and developing my own pieces of art, experimenting with materials and counting how many pieces of clothing I’ve stained with chemicals. These days I spend my time writing, photographing, rambling in and around Bristol, baking and creating mental lists - all usually accompanied by either Beyonce or Biffy Clyro. I like to loosely title myself as a creative.

I was once described as ‘hyper organised’. As I get into bed at night I’m usually planning the next day around what I’m going to eat, when I’m going to eat it and how many cups of tea might fit around the schedule. It’s not just the meal planning. I’m a stickler for detail and can’t stand the tiniest of inaccuracies. Correspondence and consistency are paramount. Everything has a place in the fridge and the alphabet has an important part to play on every shelf in my house. I often feel that I am an absolutely ridiculous person. 

That’s not to say I wouldn’t welcome you in for a cuppa, a slice or two of healthier cake and a long chat about something wonderful.

Read more of my ramblings on my blog here and on Twitter, or find me on Instagram to see what I’ve been capturing recently.

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