Monday 5 January 2015

Thinking about a big chop...?
 by Elisha

The female world seems to be separated by two species: those with long hair and those with short hair. Walking down the street you'll envy the Rapunzel you've just spotted with locks so long you could swathe yourself, to then see another girl with a bob so edgy/chic/downright cool that, like me, you inevitably end up very confused. However, if you are toying with the idea of getting a gutsy chop, here are a couple of simple but serious tips:

Sleep on it…and sleep on it some more
Party season and the new year is here- believe me, I know how easy it is to get swept up in the "new year, new me" mentality. But before you act on a whim, run to your nearest Supercuts and throw money at the next available hairdresser, think it through. I gave myself a good month to play with the idea of losing so many inches. However, if you're a lot more impulsive, perhaps a short week would do. The important thing is to have a plan, which leads me to…

Trust your hairdresser
Your head is in their hands, so choosing your stylist should not be taken lightly. If you have a very loyal one at hand, then lucky you as you needn't worry. However, if you haven't quite found that perfect fit, seek out advice from the family member or friend's hair you love the most as they're sure not to lead you astray.

Be prepared
Do you want: a blunt cut? Fringe? What length? Razor cut? Layers? Feathering? (I bet the words 'razor cut' had you worried...) But seriously, whilst hairdressers have magic fingers, they're not mind readers, so do your homework. Celebrities with amazing short styles and that are great as references are: Caroline Flack, Lauren Conrad, Lo Bosworth and Kylie Jenner. However, their haircuts are actually all quite different, so make sure to really think about the length primarily, followed by whether you want it shaped to your face or as a blunt cut and so on. Your trusty hairdresser can, of course, help you with these decisions, but it would be better to head into the salon with an informed vision. Have consultations, conversations, whatever is necessary for you to come to a decision.

Trial and see
Perhaps a little basic, but when I was contemplating my hair cut, I decided to start tucking my hair into my shirt or under my scarf, simply to get an idea of how the style I had in mind would suit me, how it would affect my outfits... you get the idea. Like I say, a little obvious, but it really gave me a fair insight into how the style would wear on me and gave me that extra push to get the chop.

Take a deep breath, and snip
Of course, it's going to be odd at first. You may weep like the girls off of Next Top Model when you see your long, lovely hair falling to the floor, or you might feel a huge weight lift from your shoulders (pun intended). Changes like this take some serious lady balls so either way, give yourself a pat on the back after it's done, watch some YouTube tutorials on ways to style the cut if you're feeling a little stuck, but most importantly have as much fun with it as you possibly can. My hair story saw me go from hair tickling my waist to a cut that now rests quite nicely on my shoulders and here I am, a month in with the conclusion that it was grand old choice.

Bearing that in mind, Happy New Year and hair cuts everybody.

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