Saturday 3 January 2015

A Little About Me
 by Kate M.

My name is Kate, although I’ve always been Katie to friends and family. I’m twenty-four years old and call myself a writer. Hopefully one day I can live up to (and solely on the proceeds of) that job title. I’m still working on it.

I live in Yorkshire in a place which is equidistant from the city centre and the countryside. I would be sad to be too far away from either them. I like having shops, restaurants, theatres, museums and bars on my doorstep but also not being too far away from the quiet beauty of the moors.

I love cooking (largely because I love eating), exploring new places, listening to an eclectic mix of music, making lists, overusing brackets in my writing and reading blogs, magazines, newspapers and novels. My favourite author is Thomas Hardy. I play the flute to a decent level and the Celtic harp very badly. I’m a night owl, permanently cold and short enough to be at armpit level on public transport. I’m partial to a gin cocktail and would have to ditch the chocolate if it was a choice between that or cheese. Cheese will be my undoing.

I studied History and French at University, and spent a year living in Paris. I know it better than London and would love to go back for a while in the future. My time there made me realise how distinctly un-chic I am, but I do gravitate towards far too many black, grey and navy clothes. It’s a wildly unrealistic dream of mine to spend more time in European cities. Anyone fancy sponsoring me to live in Rome for a year?

At the moment, I’m enjoying writing for my blog and a variety of magazines, like the lovely Wonder Magazine, which I read avidly too!

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