Tuesday 24 February 2015

Heels vs. Flats
 by Rachel H.

It’s not an easy decision for a girl, choosing between heels and flats. In fact, it’s probably one of the longest debates any girl could put herself through. You see, there are so many pros and cons on either side that a simple 5-second decision is usually turned into an hour pondering and stressing over which you could look your best in, most comfortable in, and least regretful in. Welcome to the battle of Heels Vs. Flats.

The Devil And The Angel
Every girl's dream wardrobe is some kind of magical spinning walk in one that resembles more of a roundabout than a wardrobe. Think about it – all those shoes lined up in rainbow order – which look the prettiest? Your heels, of course. Not only are they usually the most beautiful kind of shoe any girl could wear, but they also have a power of making you suddenly feel tall, proud and more girly. As soon as you put them on, you really don’t want to take them off. Heels have a gift of their own to make all the attention come to you; the hypnotising noise of the bottom of the heels touching the floor as you so proudly walk with an almost strut in your step. Nothing could beat that feeling… until you come to a solid walkway of cobbled streets. The horror of all horrors, a heels worst nightmare, making the word “heel” sound like “hell”. It’s an obstacle course no woman can bear with; the tripping and tongue sticking out for better concentration isn’t the best of all looks. And, I’m pretty sure falling over on cobbles is ten times more likely on a Saturday night when you’ve had a cosmopolitan or a bottle of rosé too much!

The heels that were once your best friend – that you caressed in your hands as you felt the glossy texture slip onto your foot as if you were Cinderella – are now suddenly a villain. As soon as you’re home, you’ll flick them off, kicking your legs up and down so much you could join the cabaret. You quickly toss them in a corner with a mixture of anger and relief on your face, and you massage the bottom of your feet and toes that are now suffering from the height of your day. Yes, heels are a beautiful thing, but there’s only so much we can take.

Your Friend And Your Foe

We know flats are more of a casual thing, but don’t underestimate that flats on a night out can, in fact, save you a lot of bother (*cough* the cobbles). Also, if you find yourself embarrassingly tall then flats can save your day. One of the best things you’ll find with flats is that they’re so much easier to pack for your holidays; you can pack them together like some kind of brickwork and you can keep going and going, piling more shoes into the suitcase. To make your outfits even better, they come in all sorts of styles: loafers, sandals, boots, trainers, dolly shoes, brogues – you name it and flats will have it!

The comfiest of all shoes that the shoeniverse has given to us is the trainer. They’re unbelievably comfy, like a bed for your feet. It’s a proven fact (via my own purse) that a £3 pair of trainers from Primark are just as comfy and easy to walk in than Nike’s at £82. It just goes to show, whichever pair of trainers you buy – cheap or cheerfully expensive – your feet are going to be nice and relaxed, and best of all... blister free. But, what do you do when trainers aren’t in fashion? It’s only the past couple of years they’ve actually come back into fashion; if you wore them before, people often guessed that you were either on your way to the gym or liked the "chavy" style. I’m guessing they’ll be staying in fashion for some time now with even the likes of Burberry featuring them in Spring/Summer 2015. Let's hope it’s a trend which will stay for a long, long time.

Putting the trainers aside, there’s a theory that wearing flats 24/7 is actually just as bad for your feet as wearing heels all the time; apparently, they can ruin the arch of your foot. Even your longest and most trustworthy pair of flats are going to take their toll, just as a trustworthy pair of heels would. Plus, we’ve all experienced that moment when you’re walking through town and suddenly the sole of your shoes either comes fully off, or half off, forming some sort of lips as if your flats could speak to you. You’re left desperately clinging onto your flats as you try and make it home; your toes are transformed into claws, grasping onto your shoes as though it’s a life or death experience. To make matters worse, you’ve probably just stepped into a huge puddle making your whole foot soaking wet and embarrassingly squeaky as you trudge on home.

You see with Heels Vs. Flats, it’s a hard battle that always seems to tie. I appreciate both kinds of shoe in my life and that’s the way it’s going to stick for now.  

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