Tuesday 9 December 2014

Bath bombs, bubbles and business : an interview with Miss Patisserie
 by Jade

Charlotte Simoes is a lady who has it all; a thriving business, a handsome husband (who came with a fairytale wedding) and two adorable furry pug babies, Louis and Vinney. 

Now the founder and owner of blossoming bath bomb and beauty business, Miss Patisserie, Charlotte’s fortune and talent actually stemmed from a broken leg and a lot of time to fill. Her company now creates and sells beautiful, handcrafted bath bombs, soaps and skincare ranges, which could easily take on the likes of bath and body giants such as LUSH. 

Inspired by French patisseries and Paris itself, Miss Patisserie is all about elegance, with a lot of fun thrown in. Charlotte first struck gold with her cupcake bath bomb creations, which attracted so much interest that she seized the moment, quit her job and took her products to a wholesale giftware show. At the show she opened 75 orders with potential customers and the business quickly developed from there. 

We spoke to the successful entrepreneur about her career, her personal life and how you can create something amazing with a boatload of willpower and a newfound talent.

Hi Charlotte, thanks for taking the time to talk a little bit about yourself and Miss Patisserie. I think what everyone reading wants to know first is what inspired you to create bath bombs and soaps? 
I've always had a passion for beauty, spas and wellbeing. I used to be a beauty therapist and worked at a spa. Unfortunately, I broke my leg a few years back and had to take time off work. I was going out of my mind with boredom, so to keep busy I bought a bath bomb making kit - as you do - and the hobby turned into a small enterprise and eventually a business!

The business is still based in Cardiff now, and that is where the factory is. I grew up just outside Cardiff in a county called the Vale of Glamorgan. It’s a very pretty place. I've always wanted to move abroad but I'm definitely happy here for now.

When did you decide that setting up your own business was the right move for you?
I got to the point where I was receiving enough orders to quit my job and go into the business full time. I didn't plan on the company becoming so successful, but I really enjoyed what I was doing and decided to go for it!

You’ve done amazingly, considering you started single handedly with a simple craft kit. Did you set up with Jorge, your husband, or did he join the business at a later date?
Jorge joined at a later date. He worked in finance beforehand, which I'm completely hopeless at and we both felt that the business needed someone who could manage the finance part more effectively. He quit his job and joined Miss Patisserie, a huge leap for him, which I'm so grateful for.

He could obviously see how much talent and ambition you have. What influences your work? What inspires you?
Anything really. It can be places I visit, photographs, fashion. I learn a lot from other companies and what's trending.

What career aspirations did you have before starting up Miss Patisserie
My plan was to set up my own independent urban spa in my hometown of Cardiff! However, I have wanted to do a lot of things before that included a photographer, graphic designer, teacher... the list goes on!

And how long have you been running the business now?
It will be six years next June.

Do you have any advice for women out there looking to start up their own business enterprise?
Be very thorough in your research when you first start out. I would definitely recommend courses, especially when you’re learning to make skincare or bath and body products, if that is the industry you are looking to move into, but the advice applies for any business start up. 

Personally, I learnt my entire bath bomb making from the Internet, but looking back a course would've been a lot more beneficial. Don’t hold back on finding the money for proper training, if you know it is something you want to do. 

There are so many elements to the personal care industry: legislation, ingredients, benefits of ingredients, packaging, labeling. It's a minefield! There is a fantastic lady called Sally Hornsey who has a company called Plush Folly. I would definitely recommend her if you are interested in courses.

What do you see yourself doing in the future? Continuing the business or moving into something new?
We will be continuing with the business for now. It depends what the future holds for us, but at the moment we're enjoying the company and where we are.

Have you had any issues that you have had to overcome whilst working for yourself?
There have been lots of issues and failures! I think you have to go through your fair share of failure and issues to improve yourself and the company. 

Tell us a little more about yourself. What are your hobbies and interests outside the business?
I have a very happy life with me Jorge and the pugs. We like to work hard and when we can afford it go on holidays, whether it's a UK break or abroad. I'm very into cooking as well, I like to try new ingredients and cuisines; we watch a lot of cookery programmes!

Are there any companies or business women out there who inspire you?
Jo Malone (creator of an international perfume and cosmetics brand) is a huge inspiration to me, especially when you consider how quickly her company grew and the way she never lost sight of what she wanted to achieve.

What is next in the pipeline for Miss Patisserie?
A lot more gift boxes and new shower products, as well as body products and a home fragrance. We love the idea of having our own retail store, but the way the high street is at the moment we might just hang on to that idea for now. 

You can find all of Charlotte's wonderful creations at miss-patisserie.com.

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