Monday 8 December 2014

You are complete
 by Bethany

Illustration by: Randy Amoakohene

You know those moments when you’re just going about your business, not thinking about anything in particular and then suddenly an epiphany hits you out of nowhere?

It happened to me recently and it’s something I’d like to share with you all as it made me think about myself in a much happier and healthier way…

‘Humans are like puzzles.’

Say you buy a puzzle... You take it out of the box and scatter the pieces all over the floor. You’ve made a right mess, but it’s still a complete puzzle isn’t it? The pieces are all there. 

I think it’s safe to say that at one point or another, we’ve all felt like there’s a part of us missing. Far too long I searched for my own “missing piece”, whether it was landing that job or reaching my ideal weight. Too many times I’ve thought “if I can just shift this weight” or “if I could get this job” then I’ll be complete and my life can really begin.

The truth is… We are ALL complete. We have been the day our precious life began. These so-called “missing pieces” don’t define or complete us. It’s our heart, mind, and soul that make us who we are. 

Of course, it’s important to have goals in life; they’re a great thing to have! Experiences and life lessons help to build us as a person, but you already hold all the pieces to your puzzle.

Life is a precious, beautiful thing... As cliché as it sounds, every single day really is filled with endless possibilities and opportunities to put your pieces together to view the entire picture.

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