Thursday 26 February 2015

Our Biggest Fears
 by Team Wonder

This month, we asked our contributors about their biggest fears. We'd love to hear yours – feel free to comment or drop us a line on twitter!

Elisha: I am your typical 21 year old girl in that I don't like creepy crawlies, the dark or the dentist's chair. The one fear that I just cannot shake at the moment though is of graduating, or more specifically, of life after graduation. Once the robe is off and the diploma has been framed, my life will become even more plagued by the burning question: 'What's next?' Now that really gives me the heebie jeebies...

Kayleigh: My biggest fear is having no one and being alone. I could not live my life without the people in it. My husband, my daughter, my family and friends mean the world and I rely on them for so much, whether it be advice, wise words, chill out time, fun times, general love and support. I am only who I am because of the people in my life. Also, I am literally petrified of pigeons – birds in general, but mainly pigeons. If I am walking down the street and one is nearby, or flying, I will screech. And this just happens, even if I’m alone which is quite embarrassing.

Nicola: I hate to wonder what life would be like alone, without the people I love. Fear is "an unpleasant emotion caused by threat of pain" – and the thought of the hurt and heartbreak that would ensue if I lost those close to me is indescribable.

Bethany: It’s hard to pick one as I’m totally the real life cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz! Without being stereotypical though it has to be bugs. If it flies, or crawls, there is no place for it near me! And pigeons – It’s their horrible scrawny little legs!

Pilar: My biggest fear would be to not accomplish or be who I want to be in life, living up to society's ridiculous expectations of who you should be instead. I think especially now a days, we are influenced so much by the media and we forget about improving ourselves as people and get easily influenced by how others are living their lives and want to live up to that. It’s scary; it makes us feel like we have no control over ourselves, as we are easily carried away by what is around us.

Alice: I guess it’s quite a universal fear but more than anything, I fear time; not using it wisely or having it slip away too quickly! Like many of us, I have a Peter Pan complex and never want to grow up! Also, I’m not the biggest fan of sharks or deep, open water....

Lucy: My biggest fear is that my life will slip away from under me like sand, the days filling up with the mundane. I'm scared of only existing and not living. I don't want to be lying on my death bed, and looking back over my time and thinking, “Wow... I didn't do anything cool!” 

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