Saturday 7 February 2015

Big Girls Don't Cry
 by ahaana

Whether it's as simple as not wanting to leave home after a long break or the difficulty of cutting yourself off from someone that hurt you, the majority of us fear the process of letting go and moving on. At the root of this problem lies another fear: the fear of change.

Maybe 'home' is just two arms holding you tight when you're at your worst. Maybe it's just someone who understands you and accepts you for exactly who you are; someone who makes you feel warm, cared for and protected. But what happens when you are forced to let go, grow up and take on the big bad world alone?

Understandably, you're encompassed by fear. But why? What are you afraid of? Change? Being alone or misunderstood? Or simply the fear of the unknown? Your vision becomes blurry and you can't help but cry. When you're on that long, painful flight to your future, you're frazzled, confused, scared and refusing to let go.

You wish you could go back to a time when you believed in fairytales and happy endings, a time when the hardest decision you had to make was choosing what ice cream flavor you wanted. Not the thought of having to stop eating so that you can save up money to visit your boyfriend a million miles away. You look out that window and know that you are not ready for this mammoth change.

But you're not Peter Pan, you have to grow up whether you want to or not. Yes, it will be difficult. But it will be worth it. Think of it as you unleashing your wings to fly, rather than being forced to let go of what makes you feel safe and protected. Don't fear letting go, let go of fear.

As impossible as it might seem, just close your eyes and embrace this change. Cut that umbilical cord, let go, and go find yourself. When you do come back, it'll all look the same, feel the same and smell the same. You will realize that what has changed is you.

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