Wednesday 26 November 2014

the power of a purchase : retail therapy is one friend i'll always need
 by Kabyshree

If you smiled whilst reading the title of this article, then you are one of many who enjoy the guilty pleasure of retail therapy way too much to deny its power. In my opinion, there is no therapy better than retail therapy. H&M is often my go-to spot when I need someone to talk to.

Thank you to the retailers! They know what I want and they understand my needs. 

Some of us are ashamed of our spending habit, but hey, it is better than sobbing at home about something utterly stupid or somebody who hurt our feelings. Let's face it... Clothes don’t do that. They make us look pretty, make us happy, and make our lives just that little bit easier. Much more than you would expect from a potential boyfriend. 

You see, that is the most amazing thing about shopping! It’s an instant confidence booster! And, it gets you ready for your next date with the ‘fella over there with the hella good hair’. Don't be ashamed to count your favourite clothing retailer as one of your best friends… unless you have a friend like Karen from Mean Girls who would like to take you to Taco Bell instead.
To prove my point, here are five ways why your favourite retailer might just be the best friend you could ever have:

It can take just one word from them to improve your mood – SALE! 
We all love a bit of a sale. We all wait for those 50% to 70% off signs to pop up at our favourite stores and get ready to grab everything with a sizeable discount. Sale season is the most blissful season… You can’t deny it.

They know how to surprise you. 
So, you are on your way to the tube station, going home to tuck yourself into bed and cry your heart out over some boy… then you see those red shoes you've been after for just £19. Problem solved.

They are always there for you.
Whether you’re feeling down or just have time to kill, your favourite clothing retailer will always be there to welcome you with open arms… or at least until they shut at 5 o’clock. 

They love you back. Trust me on this! 
They make you feel needed… in person, online, in print. Even if the retailers that you hate love you. There is no limit to their love.

And finally - they make you that confident girl once again.
I’m not gonna lie, I lost all my confidence after my break up. I started to doubt my beauty and myself. But you can’t deny the power of a purchase. Now, I can strut down the road, swinging my new bag from Topshop, and no longer feel the need to doubt myself.

So always remember, no matter how harshly life has treated you… when you shop, the world gets better. 

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