Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The "I-Hate-Exercise" Cup of Tea Challenge
 by Alice

Exercise has always been a concept that I have struggled with. At school, I was never one of those girls who was really good at netball, or really good at athletics. That could not have been further from the case. The only school sport I was happy to take part in was Rounders. I was pretty good at batting when I imagined that the ball was my P.E. teacher's head (I'm sure she was a lovely lady really). Other than that, I conveniently forgot my kit or had tonsillitis every time we had double P.E.

I haven't been much more motivated over the years. But, now I am older and wiser (and as cellulite slowly takes over my entire body like a weird alien lifeform), I know that as much as I hate doing exercise, it's something that needs to be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If only there was a way to make it less bearable...

I think it's time for a little experiment. I am DETERMINED to find some pain free and enjoyable ways to integrate exercise into my life that don't involve getting up at ridiculous o'clock and running around in the cold, or collapsing in front of a Jillian Michaels workout DVD.

So, today I present to you our first weird and wonderful workout for all you exercisophobes... the "I-Hate-Exercise" Cup of Tea Challenge! The perfect way to fit five minutes of cardio into your morning routine with the promise of a nice cuppa at the end.

I know just five minutes of cardio a day isn't going to change your life or give you the body of Scarlett Johansson, but the point is... It's better than nothing! So, here goes...

Assemble your workout equipment. You will need: a kettle, a mug, a teabag, and milk and sugar (if you take it in your tea).

You're still with me, right? Good... Next, fill your kettle and flick it on.

Now it's time to get exercising! Whilst the kettle's boiling, do as many jumping jacks as you can. The average kettle takes approximately two minutes to boil, which is actually longer than you might think.. it's probably wise to pace yourself. 

Once that kettle's clicked, it's time for a quick rest and time to get some hot water and a tea bag in your favourite mug. You're going to want to take your time, because as soon as the tea bag hits the water, it's time to get jumping...

Whilst your tea is brewing (around another two minutes), get back to those jumping jacks and resist the urge to make a weaker cup of tea. 

Whip out the tea bag when you've reached your desired strength!

Congratulations, you've actually done some exercise! You might have looked like a bit of a nutter in the process, but now you can add a dash of milk to your mug, and then sit back and enjoy your cuppa! If you're the competitive type, why not count the number of jumping jacks you complete each session and attempt to beat your personal best each time? I dare you to give the "I-Hate-Exercise" Cup of Tea Challenge a go.

Stay tuned for more weird and wonderful workouts...


  1. Fabulous! Am off to do this straight away :-)

  2. Amazing idea! I'm in!

  3. Wise words... with the amount of tea I drink a day I'm going to be super fit in no time, hehe!
