Tuesday 17 February 2015

Fear Free Skincare Tips For the Beauty Beginner
 by Pilar

Healthy glowing skin is one of those things that we all dream of having, but unfortunately not all of us are blessed with the winning genes and  have to go through many different products and treatments in order to achieve the desired outcome.

I have gone through nearly every single skin issue; from oily skin to acne, followed by severe acne that needed Accutane treatment, followed by excessive dryness and lastly – as if all this wasn't enough – scarring.

I can pretty much relate to any skin problem and maybe even deserve the title of skin care guru! So here are a few secrets that I have learnt about skin care coming for a personal experience, which will hopefully  help you guys get the radiant skin we all crave for!

1. Treat your skin like your greatest treasure. Your face is unique to you, so treat it with care! Don't plaster your face with an excessive amount of products; use only the ones you know compliment your skin type. Don't feel pressured to use trendy, expensive products if they don't work for you.

2. Moisturise only when you need to. Sometimes moisturiser can be addictive, but it is very important to only use it when necessary or your skin will be overloaded with excess oil.

3. Listen to your skin. If you use a new product and your skin reacts in a negative way, don't continue using it! Sure, it's a shame to throw away a brand new bottle of product, but there's little point damaging your skin for the sake of getting your money's worth.

4. Drink loads of water to keep your skin hydrated and free from toxins. It's often easy to forget that skin care isn't just about the products you use on your face!

5. Eat healthily, get plenty of sleep and exercise! Your skin often reflects the state of your health. So, a healthy body means healthy, glowing skin!

6. Smile and don't judge yourself; it will make you look even more beautiful! What's more, maintaining positivity and keeping stress at bay will prevent skin flare-ups.

7. Don't crave the sun! A tan may look amazing now, but in 30 years time you will regret it. Harmful UV rays promote the formation of lines and wrinkles. Investing in a facial sunscreen will help to protect your skin.

8. Don't wear makeup if you don't need to. The less makeup you wear, the better you will look without it and the more naturally beautiful you will look! And, to be honest, it's mostly only you that notices the difference that makeup makes! Don't let your beauty depend on it.

9. Take off your makeup before you go to bed! Avoid makeup remover wipes; they don't always do a good enough job. Try a hot cloth cleanser or a cleansing balm. Try and buy a product that it specially targeted towards your main skin problem (oiliness, acne, dryness, blackheads, etc.)

10. Exfoliate once a week using a gentle scrub or chemical exfoliant. This will help to keep your skin cells ticking over nicely and will remove any flaky patches of skin from the surface.

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