Sunday 1 March 2015

Letter From The Editor
 by Alice

Illustration by: Kristina Vasiljeva

Dear Readers,

Spring has sprung (almost)! Hooray! I don't know about you, but I never think there's much point in winter after Christmas and New Year, so I'm more than happy to welcome a new season.

February was another busy month. I hope you all ate stacks of pancakes and spread the love on Valentine's day. I have a feeling March will be even busier! This month, we are hoping to launch a new layout and make some rather snazzy improvements – watch this space!

The theme for this issue is... Far Far Away! So, this month we are focusing on travelling to distant lands, learning about other cultures, dreaming about magical places, and much much more! As always, we would love to hear from you! If you have a story you would like to share with us, you can contact us via emailfacebook and twitter!

We are also accepting submissions for our April issue! The theme for which is... Positivity. Think... self-love, sharing, caring, and happiness! If you have anything you'd like to contribute, whether it be art or written work, please send it along to: We'd love to hear from you!

Don't forget... You can also follow us on:

Much love,

Alice xx

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