Thursday 5 February 2015

Healthy Homemade Pizza
 by Nicola

Baking something healthy doesn’t stop at pleasing your sweet tooth. There are plenty of savoury foods that we all love but think of as naughty treats or occasional indulgences. I say, why put off eating the things you love?! Cooking up healthier dinners can be as simple as reducing some ingredients and increasing the quantities of wholesome ones.

When it comes to pizza, homemade definitely equals healthier. Substitute plain flour for wholemeal, or use a mixture of the two. You can use alternative flours to make a flawless gluten free pizza too! Rolling the dough to a thin, crispy base is more authentic and is better for you too.

My recipe for a healthier homemade pizza has more than just extra nutritional value as a bonus. This is a quick and easy yeast free pizza dough; so it’s really just a case of mixing and kneading together a few basics, rolling out the dough and topping with whatever is fresh in your fridge.

This pizza is so simple you can make it with your other half/ kids/cat and always get a delicious result. There isn’t any hanging around waiting for the dough to prove – and there’s no need to worry about post-dinner remorse either!

Choose fresh ingredients to sit atop your simple pizza base and try experimenting with new flavours. Start with fresh tomato slices, pureed roasted red peppers or homemade basil pesto. Add your favourite thinly sliced or shredded vegetables and distribute some chopped fruit if you’re feeling like something sweet (my secret – grapes!). For those still wanting a melted top, grate on a small piece of cheese – just keep it light! Ricotta, hard sheep cheese and Swiss cheeses are all higher in calcium, so offer more substance to your tasty meal.

Who knows, this could make the perfect homemade main course for Valentine’s Day (whether you’re going for candlelit romance, girlie get-together or a night in for one!).


Makes a pizza for two hungry diners.

250g of plain flour
a sprinkling of oregano
a pinch of pepper
a pinch of baking powder
1 egg
120ml milk

Topping Ideas
Basil pesto or pureed roasted red peppers
Ribbons of carrot and courgette
Small broccoli heads
Sliced sweet peppers
Halved green grapes or finely chopped apple
Grated hard cheese (optional)

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°c
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, herbs, pepper and baking powder
  3. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture
  4. Break the egg into the well and pour in the milk
  5. Use a wooden spoon to beat the milk and egg together, gradually bringing in the flour, mixing carefully to form the dough
  6. Continue incorporating, compacting and bringing the wet and dry ingredients together into a dough with the spoon
  7. When the mixture has started to form a doughy consistency, begin to knead the mixture together with your hands
  8. Continue to knead by firmly pushing the dough in the bowl or on a wooden board
  9. If the dough seems too dry, add small dashes of milk and continue kneading
  10. When you have dough that feels soft, pliable and is not falling apart, you’re ready to roll!
  11. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough between two pieces of cling film, to around 5mm thick and whatever shape you like
  12. Carefully transfer your base onto a lightly oiled baking tray
  13. Now it’s time to get creative. Spread on the pesto or sauce and distribute your chosen ingredients!
  14. Place the pizza in the middle of the oven and cook for 20-35 minutes depending on your base crunch preference
  15. Take out, slice up and enjoy with friends (you’ll probably need to make a few though!)

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