Tuesday 3 February 2015

A Little About Me
 by Rachel S.

Hi there, my name’s Rachel! I’m a 23-year-old (emphasis on the old) from Liverpool who's currently trying to figure it all out – but I’m the first to say I’m as lazy as they come!

I spend my days writing various articles for different magazines, planning my ‘dream house’ on Pinterest, and pouring through episodes of Seinfeld and Sex and the City.

I’m lucky enough to have the bestest friends in the world, who I don’t deserve majority of the time. They are completely weird and wonderful.

I’m most definitely not a morning person, but that’s because the best things happen after dark: dancing like no one’s watching, gin galore, and cheese and wine nights.

I’m obsessed with everything and anything 80’s. Fashion, music, cinema and specifically Molly Ringwald. If you don’t like John Hughes films, we may have a problem.

I’m of that age where I’ve swapped filling up my online Topshop basket for favouriting the home section of H&M and getting exciting when Lakeland have a sale on.

As for my faults, I’m a bit of a drama queen. Blame my love of musical theatre. Perhaps one of the scariest things I’ve ever done is auditioning for a University production of Beauty and the Beast. Little did I know I would be surrounded by professional singers/dancers/actors. Resisting the urge to cry and run away, I attempted to blag a professional dance routine and pretend to understand what a ‘key’ was and how to sing in one. Safe to say I didn’t get the part – but there is recorded evidence of my interpretation of what a pirouette is.

My goal this year, in particular, is to stop the simply dreaming and start actually doing: to take that trip to Vienna, to learn how to drive and to volunteer in India. Wish me luck!

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