Monday, 19 January 2015

Friendship: The Hardest Thing To Find
 by Amy

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These days, so many things in our lives are replaceable. But sometimes the easiest things to lose are also the hardest to find. We often don’t realise that people have drifted out of our lives until it is too late to do something about it. And while it is easy to find acquaintances, people who share our interests or are at a similar stage of life, finding friends is completely different. It’s nearly impossible to deliberately do it because real friendships transcend our current circumstances. There isn’t a straightforward formula; you can have everything in common with someone and just not get along.

If you’re lucky, you’ve got at least one true friend. The kind of friend that you know is still there for you even if you haven’t spoken for far too long. With these friends, it doesn’t matter that life got in the way of a reply to a text message; even if you have times when you communicate less, you don’t keep track of who didn’t message back, because when you do catch up it feels as though no time has passed. You almost never run out of things to say, but if you do, the pause in the conversation doesn’t feel awkward.

While some friendships seem to have an expiry date, only lasting for as long as you are in the same place or sharing the same experiences, the best ones last even when your lives head in completely different directions. You are still genuinely interested in one another’s experiences, even when you can’t always relate to them. And because you truly want to be a part of each other’s lives, you go out of your way and make an effort for each other when you can, without it feeling like a chore.

I’m fortunate enough to have a few of these people in my life.

If reading this has reminded you of those that you feel lucky to have around you, make sure you keep them around. While friends can be all too easy to lose, they cannot easily be replaced.

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