Sunday 25 January 2015

coping with a job that you hate
 by victoria

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Life isn’t always rosy; we are sometimes faced with challenges that are both emotional and physical struggles, and our work lives are by no means excluded. Many of us are forced to take jobs we don’t like because we need the money, and it’s no joy ride; the days spent working these jobs often feel like they will never end.

So how do you deal with the job from hell? How do you get through the day without wanting to tear your hair out? Here are my most successful coping mechanisms that will hopefully help to keep you earning those pennies, even when times are hard.

Set mini goals
Setting mini goals can make the hours tick over a whole faster. Simply having something to work towards will help you fight the urge to watch the seconds pass by. As the saying goes – a watched kettle never boils. Keep yourself occupied as much as you possibly can!

Get a social life
You might be wondering: how can a social life make my job any better? Well, I’m here to tell you that it really can! Planning social events around work and on the weekends allows your brain to focus on the good things going on in your life. So, when you’re down in the dumps at work, remind yourself of that girl’s night out after work or the time you’ve planned to spend with your children or other half. Having a social life allows your brain to switch off and have some time for yourself.

Think of the future
Always remember, the job you’re in now doesn’t have to be your future. View your current job as a stepping stone; a place that will enable you to get you to where you really want to go and a place that keeps the money coming in. You may not realise how many skills you are learning that will eventually help you land your dream job and career. Having this frame of mind, and knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel, will motivate you to work hard.

Be kind to others
Surprisingly, being kind and committing acts of kindness can really help you feel a little bit more optimistic about your job. Has a customer left their coat? Make sure you catch them to give it them back! Are you able to let someone have a freebie? Do it! Making others feel good makes you feel good, and it allows you to keep a positive frame of mind despite having to work a monotonous job.

Make an effort
Do you roll out bed 10 minutes before work, shove your hair in a ponytail, and put on minimal makeup? Well stop! Getting up earlier and putting effort into your appearance before work – taking time to do your hair and make-up, and even picking out a nice outfit – can make you feel better about yourself. When you look good you’re more likely to feel good, so stop with the pity party and start looking the part!

For me, these tips are key to making the most of life when you're craving more. Look up and towards the future because life is what you make it; embrace your current situation and eventually you will be able to move on to bigger and better things, reviving that lost smile.

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