Thursday 18 December 2014

Why "New Girl" is every girl
 by Rachel

Illustration by: Megan Shipley

It’s the mark of a rare gem of a programme when it can serve as a source of both entertainment and comfort. Taylor Swift got it wrong. It’s not just the 22 year olds who are happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time, it’s just as miserable and magical for the 30 somethings too.

New Girl’s target audience is us, the troubled young adult, and the success and enjoyment of the TV show is a result of its accurate portrayal of the young adults of our time. Those who in another time would have had it all worked out, are now winging it.  The young and feckless. Or perhaps just reckless.

New Girl (starring Zooey Deschanel in its lead role) is the story of a girl who, having broken up with her boyfriend, has to start again…In a shared loft, at the age of 30, with three male flatmates…

Speaking as a student having lived with boys, there is sometimes no better company and distraction than when you’re hanging out with the guys. Especially the guys of our generation.

The characters within New Girl depict, true to form, the varying types of 21st century man. Take Schmidt for example; metrosexual and with overbearing feelings for his friends, a firm believer in the power of The Bromance. He will spend more time and money on grooming than you, and will most definitely require a “douchebag jar”.

Nick is your typical beer and football guy.  In many ways, Nick should be the alpha male. The irony here is the fact Nick is a classic grumpy old man that longs for the time when men ‘did things,’ but he himself can’t do anything. His manliness lies in what he doesn’t do, not what he does do. And, he will be both frightened and intrigued by your female ways.

Finally, Winston. All together crazy. One of the guys, but can be one of the girls too. Will come for cocktails and watch your reality guilty pleasure with you. Loving every minute.

Perhaps it is in female psychology to over obsess, to worry, to drive ourselves slowly insane. They say a woman is born 80 years old. It is the youthfulness and at times stupidity of our male counterparts that can help to keep us sane.

Sobbing to Taylor Swift blaring through the stereo, or to Joni Mitchell on repeat whilst laying in the foetal position listening is a scene much too often caught by our friends of the male species, and while they might not understand why sometimes you just need a good cry, they’ll be there. To pick you up again and to make you laugh.

It’s refreshing to have a programme that showcases what it’s really like.  Life can be sh*t and hard, and can throw things your way that you never expected. But if you have a best friend, or are lucky enough to have three weird and wonderful ones, they’ll get you through it.

That’s all that matters.

We won’t be sitting around when we’re old and grey thinking of that job we didn’t get, or how much money we made. Rather, we’ll think of those seemingly insignificant moments with people that were once strangers, who came to be the most important people in our lives.

"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends."-William Butler Yeats

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