Sunday 28 December 2014

Reflecting on Beauty
 by Kayleigh

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We are discovering new beauty tips and tricks all of the time. The industry is forever expanding, and the makeup and skincare industry continues to grow at rapid rate. In a saturated market, with new products launching continuously, this shows no sign of slowing down.

We want results, we want to look good and we want to achieve this with minimum effort. Life is busy; we are constantly looking for the quick fixes, the multi- products that will make our morning routine quicker as well as keeping up with the trends at the same time.

What we often forget is that sometimes the old ‘no frills’ advice is the best advice; wise words, keeping things simple and going back to the basics of what truly works and is effective.

Here a few little tips I have heard in my time, and have tried and tested...

Tired and puffy skin?
Try a sink full of cold water with some slices of cucumber. It will instantly refresh, hydrate and tighten the skin, making you look and feel better.

Exfoliation is key
It will improve skin tone and texture, but don't overdo it; exfoliate just once or twice a week. Any more than this and you can strip your skin of its natural oils, which are a natural protective barrier.

SPF is your friend!
Sun screen will protect you against everyday rays that can age the skin prematurely. You don’t even need to think about it too much; just make sure your everyday moisturiser or foundation has at least an SPF15 to be effective!

All go H2O! 
Yes it’s true! Drink lots of water and flush those toxins from your skin and your body. It really does make a huge difference, making you look and feel healthier.

Anyone for tea?
Once you have used a tea bag, pop it in some cling film and put it in the fridge. If you are going on a night out and feel a little tired, pop the tea bags over your eyes for 5 minutes and you will feel awake a raring to go in no time. 

In the shower...
Switching the shower from warm to freezing cold just before you get out will tighten your skin, improve the appearance of cellulite and it also makes your hair shiny!

Get rid the redness!
Sudocream or toothpaste on red and angry spots before bedtime will improve their appearance by morning by reducing inflammation and redness. 

A drop of oil
For soft skin, Sophia Loren used to rub a little olive oil onto her body as a moisturiser or add a drop to her bath for a nourishing soak. 

I am sure you will have heard of some of these old but gold tips before; your Nana and/or your mum probably have their own tips and tricks that they share. But, perhaps we should take more notice of the trusted beauty advice that has served both them and some of the long-standing beauty icons of the past before tackling the minefield that is today's beauty industry. We often forget that our natural beauty and what is on the inside is most important!

‘The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries or how she combs her hair.’ Audrey Hepburn 

‘Be yourself, the world worships the original.’ Ingrid Bergman 

‘On the whole, I think women wear too much and are too fussy. You can’t see the person for all the clutter.’ Julie Andrews 

Do you have any beauty advice and tips you’d like to share? If so, please get in touch!

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