Saturday 20 December 2014

Helloo Monica: An Interview with Monica Barleycorn
 by Pilar

Monica Barleycorn is a 21-year-old fashion blogger and student at London College of Fashion who has recently embarked on a new adventure in New York, studying at LIM college and interning at Nylon Magazine. We spoke to her about her experiences and about entering the world of fashion...

Can you reflect back on your experience in New York and tell us how it has changed you and how it has helped you develop to your career? Would you have changed anything?

I wouldn't change a thing about coming to New York. It is my favourite city in the world; I love the fast pace, the opportunity and the fact that there is so much to do here. Whilst I've been in the city, I've been studying at LIM College, which has been really interesting and I've definitely learnt a lot about the fashion industry from an American perspective. I've also been interning at Nylon Magazine, which has been an incredible experience in terms of networking contacts and getting an insight into the world of publishing. 

When did your love for fashion begin? When did you realise you wanted to study fashion?
It's hard to pinpoint when I became interested in fashion. I've always been fascinated by clothing and taken note of what people are wearing and how looks are put together. I guess when I started sixth form college at 16 and was able to wear my own clothes rather than school uniform everyday, my love for fashion really took off. I knew I wanted to pursue business and economics in the future, so choosing Fashion Management (my current degree at London College of Fashion) incorporated both my passions.

Who do you admire in the fashion industry?
I've attended various speaker talks over the past few years, but most recently I was really inspired by Michelle Lee, the editor-in-chief at Nylon Magazine. I really admire her fashion style and her journey to get where she is now is really interesting. Plus, I love that she's really down-to-earth; very unlike the scary image magazine editors are portrayed on the likes of The Devil Wears Prada!

What would be your dream job? And what career are you hoping to pursue after you graduate?
At the moment, I'm definitely leaning towards going into buying and merchandising. The roles really play to my strengths and I've really enjoyed the experience I've had in those fields. I guess the dream company to work for would be ASOS as I love everything about the brand! 

London or New York? Are you hoping to move there after your studies?
As much as I love London, I'm going to have to choose New York. NYC has been the dream for years and living and studying in the city has certainly exceeded expectations. I'd love to move to Manhattan after I graduate... fingers crossed!

Do you recommend London College of Fashion to anyone wanting to break into the industry?What advice would you give that you wished you would of had? 
I'd 100% recommend LCF. Moving to London and attending fashion school has opened up so many doors for me in terms of experience and opportunities. It's a great environment to be in; amongst motivated students and inspiring lecturers. Plus, LCF has brilliant industry connections. I guess I'd advise people to get as much experience as you can while you're studying as it can only help getting a job after graduation. Plus, testing out different areas within the fashion industry (e.g. styling/PR/publishing etc) can really help you learn what you like and what you're good at.

Thanks ever so much  Monica for your insightful response, go check out her fantastic blog at:

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