Sunday 21 December 2014

Christmas Teas
 by Lucy

It's that time of year again... Costa's Christmas take-out cups are here. Festively flavoured lattes are becoming a sensation. Your Instagram feed is bursting with pictures of those frothy, milky drinks. December is coffee season, and everybody's favouring a peppermint mocha to get them in that wintery mood. 

It's certainly cold enough to be hunkering down for hot beverages and some respite from the madding crowd of Christmas shoppers, but lets not forget our teas at this time of decadence and indulgence. Can tea be just as sweet and satisfying as the well established favourite of pumpkin spice latte?

If we're really just concerned about feeling Christmassy, can tea make the cut? 

The answer is... Yes! There are plenty of great tasting teas with loads of health benefits that are perfect for the winter holidays! Here are my five favourite festive teas to keep you happy and healthy this holiday season...

Vanilla Chai Tea
Drinking any kind of sweet Chai tea is a truly unique experience. At first sip, it's a bold, black tea, with a not at all unpleasant taste, but it's not until after you swallow that your whole throat and mouth are hit by a warm, tingling sensation; a flavour both sweet and spicy at the same time. This, added to the vanilla flavour, creates a warm, cheery, and thoroughly festive drink. 

Cherry Marzipan by Tea forté
You would be hard pushed to find this tea outside the Skin-Smart line from the brand Tea forté. It's a green tea, so has a slight bitter taste to it, but it's punctuated by fragrant cherry and nutty almond flavour that is both wintery and wonderful. Aside from the great taste and intoxicating smell, this tea is full of antioxidants, which help stabilise the skin and prevent breakouts caused by stress. Green tea also aids with digestion and is linked to weight loss.

Lapsang Souchong
This is possibly my favourite tea to drink in the autumn and winter months. Smoke-dried over fires made from pine wood, the flavour is aromatic, smoky, and resin-sweet; so suited to these dark winter days. Brew long to get the full flavour.

Peppermint Tea
An infusion rather than a tea, peppermint is not only a seasonal flavour, but has a number of health benefits. As well as helping with stress, it's a remedy for stomach ailments, combating bloating, gas, and aiding digestion. Perfect for enjoying after Christmas dinner! It's also naturally caffeine free. Peppermint tea has a clean, refreshing taste that will really remind you of Christmas.

Rooibos Tea
Although not really that Christmassy, I love and recommend it so much that I'm going to include it anyway! Rooibos, or Red Bush tea, is a white tea, which is a lot rarer than black or green teas. Its flavour is sweet and distinctive, but it isn't too strong. It's caffeine free, full of antioxidants and is also low in tannin. Once I had tried rooibos, it quickly replaced regular tea for me. Rooibos is also available in a lot of flavours, including vanilla and the amazing caramel. I'm a big advocate.

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