Monday, 13 October 2014

Journal Secrets
 by Ellie

Journaling is like making art out of memories. You collect bits and pieces from events, places, people, feelings, and glue them to a blank page. Words, pictures, tickets... they all remind you of a special moment and can take you back in time.

I started my journal this summer, and wow... I love it so much! Here are my favorite tips for making the best journal ever!

#1 Use different pens! At least two... one for writing, and one for highlighting and titles. The more colourful, the better!

#2 Print out plenty of nice pictures! I usually get them from weheartit and tumblr. I like to keep them in a Google Drive document (so I don’t have to download them), print out the whole page filled with pictures, and then cut them out and stick them in my journal.

#3 You don't have to stick to using paper! Try using different materials: ribbons, plastic, leaves… there are so many possibilities! You can even capture smells; I have a test strip with my favorite perfume in my journal!

#4 Write lists. Maybe... the best band names ever, reasons you love summer, or the blogs you’ve been reading lately? 

#5 Print out your own photos! One sad thing about the digital era is that we rarely hold our photos in our hands. We need to change this! Print your photos, everyone!

#6 Make cute little drawings and doodles!

#8 Write about how your day was "Dear Diary" style, and add pictures that match your mood.

#9 Don’t forget the funny stuff! I put in some scenes from "Courage the Cowardly Dog"... He’s the best.

#10 Be honest. In my journal, I’ve written about some completely superficial topics, as well as some really deep thoughts. A journal is a place where you can be truly honest. It’s not a blog, you’re only writing it for yourself.

#11 Write about the future! Journaling is not just about the past. Write a really long bucket list, or make a whole section with pictures that depict what your life will be like ten years from now. Go ahead, make weird plans!

#12 Be true to yourself! Probably the most important journal rule. Feel free to get inspired, and remember... journaling works best if you do it your way!

1 comment:

  1. supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! gut gemacht, gut gedacht gut geschrieben. great Ellie!
