Only upon reflection will you ever realise how much you really gained from your time at university. Of course, there are all the lessons from your actual course, but also the soft skills that you picked up along the way. Y’know, communication, decision-making, leadership, teamwork and, a key one -- blagging. But that’s not all, you also managed to ditch qualities you no longer needed, and you didn't even know you were doing it. How very grown-up of you!
Found: People skills
Never will you make friends faster than at uni. Whether these are friends that you live with or from your course, the ability to speak to strangers and make friends in an instant will set you up for life.
Lost: The ability to live off a terrible diet
It may be a cliché, but do you remember eating beans on toast for dinner so you could afford a night out? We do. Although these days, we wouldn’t risk a boozy night out without lining our stomach properly first. You soon learn that Pot Noodles, beans and take away aren’t acceptable on a daily basis.
Found: Money management skills
Skipping meals to afford alcohol may not be best idea, but scraping money together the way you did at uni is certainly a transferable skill that sets you up for more adult financial problems, such as mortgages and pensions. Hooray! We think...
Lost: Your dependence on the education system
After graduation, you’re totally ready to move on from education. You’ve learnt a lot and you’re ready to put your skills into practice. Which is lucky because a master’s degree isn’t cheap.
Found: Autonomy
Apart from weekly phone calls home, showing up for lectures and texting your housemates, you don’t have to answer to anyone at university. You’re independent and free; what a great time to be alive. The only problem is that it’s near on impossible to go back from this.
Lost: Your support network
You may not have to answer to anyone, but you could struggle to find people to turn to. Without the friends you’ve had for years and your family around, you may have to learn to deal with some situations alone, but it makes you stronger for sure.
Found: A sense of achievement
One thing all this will teach you? That you’re pretty damn great. Look at you go, in a new place with strange people and a lot to learn. You should always remember that you survived university and learnt skills that will last you a lifetime.
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