Wednesday 24 December 2014

The best way to spread Christmas Cheer...
 by Emma

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Christmas traditions are a lovely little thing, aren’t they? Each family has their own and groups of friends often sit round in the run up to Christmas, sharing little insights into what happens in their houses on Christmas day. Often spurred by shock and utter confusion at the many different ways Christmas is executed, discussions get louder and more excitable as the tales are told. 

“But when do you open the presents?”

“Can’t believe you don’t eat Christmas dinner until 3pm!” 

“What do you mean you don’t have bucks fizz with your breakfast?” 

My family Christmases all start the same way, with me waking up my two younger sisters and clambering into my Mum’s room to open our stockings (sacks) filled with presents. After a breakfast of pancakes (no bucks fizz just yet) and opening the rest of our presents by the tree, we drive over to my Nan and Grandad’s to spend the day. 

But this year our Christmas will be a little different, because on Christmas day last year my Great Grandad passed away. 

The thing is that my Great Grandad loved Christmas. I know everyone loves Christmas, but he really did love it more than most. It goes without saying that he’ll always be remembered, but especially when we’re sat round the table, missing the Queen’s speech because the dinner is two hours late (we aim for 1pm, but dinner is always at 3). He was never happy about missing the Queen’s speech. 

Christmas is a time for traditions, new and old. Whether you’re enjoying family traditions that have been going for years, creating your own or traveling the world and spending Christmas day on a beach... enjoy the festive season with the people around you and take the time to spread some Christmas cheer.

“The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.” Buddy the Elf. 

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