Sunday 23 November 2014

Love, loss or disappointment : how to mend any kind of broken heart
 by Emma

Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes. Everyone has had their heart broken at some point, whether it was just a little, like when the perfect winter coat wasn’t available in your size. Or a lot. You know, the full blown ice-cream-eating nightmare that you never thought you’d overcome. That one. Plus every break-up, pet loss and missed dream job in between. 

Whatever’s broken your heart, whether it’s love, loss or disappointment, there comes a time when you need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Here are six little ways to mend your broken heart. 

Put the kettle on. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or warm blackcurrant like you used to have when you were a kid. There’s nothing like sitting with a friend and putting the world to rights over a cuppa. Or a glass of wine if you’d prefer. Go do that, now. 

Exercise. They say that running is cheaper than therapy. Now we’re not saying you need therapy but exercise will help clear your mind. Switch off your phone and do an exercise class, yoga, pilates or go for a run. And enjoy the fact that you’re taking time just for yourself. When was the last time you did that? 

Rewatch a TV series that you absolutely loved. Friends, Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, 90210, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Sex and the City, The O.C... You get the picture. 

Start saying yes to more things... But only the things you actually want to do. If you don’t fancy that party on Saturday night because you’d rather get a Chinese with your Mum then that’s absolutely fine. Keep an open mind and say yes when you feel happy to. It’s important that you enjoy whatever you end up doing. 

Take that first step towards getting what you want. Maybe it’s time to focus on your career, or perhaps you’ve been meaning to start a blog or have been considering a new hair style? Go for it. 

Finally, face your problems head on. We all know how awkward the post-break-up-stuff-exchange can be, or how hard it is to not to send a snotty email to the person who was crazy enough not to hire you... But always remember that YOU can get through anything. Why? Because you’re pretty damn awesome. 

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