Friday 31 October 2014

that's a wrap : issue 1 roundup
 by Alice


... snuggled up with our favourite Autumn movies and our favourite Autumn songs.

... talked about "Happily Ever Afters".

... shopped for notebooks and pencils, unusual perfumes, and Halloween treats.

... curled our hair, revamped our wardrobe for Autumn, and sought out secretly beautifying products.

... made bags, journals, iced tea, granola, rose water toner, and jam chocolate cups.

... discussed our purpose in life and our dreams for the future.

... gushed over the artwork of Kenvi Liang, Laura Bourne and Emily Fluen, and wept over the Rachel Antonoff clothes that we don't own.

... did jumping jacks whilst making tea and gave yoga a try.

... picked out some of our favourite words and embraced dystopian fiction.

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