Monday, 27 October 2014

people watching : An Interview With Emily Fluen
 by Alice

Tell us a little about yourself...

I'm Emily, I'm from a tiny town that no one has ever heard of and where nothing ever happens. At the moment, I am in my final year studying Illustration, a waitress at night, and a full time lover of Dustin Hoffman and procrastinating. I love making things (even though they don't always go right) and have recently been making some hand-printed bags and some jewellery, which I love doing! I am also in the process of setting up on an online shop with my friend, another Emily, called 'We're Emily' (what else!) where we are going to start selling things we have made together.

When did your love for illustration begin?

I have always loved drawing since I can remember, which I know everyone says, but its true. It's just like eating to me, something I always want to be doing. Since I was about four, I have been attempting to make my own books, which I never managed to finish. But I have made (and finished) a fair few now, which for me is a great achievement!

What inspires your work?

The people around me have always been the main inspiration for my work; I love people watching and drawing people. Sometimes it can be an issue because I am never interested in drawing anything else because I don't think I'm very good at it. But, I have learned that you can always turn a subject you don't really have any interest for into something you love by choosing the parts that you do enjoy... and I always manage to get a person in there somehow! At the moment, I am working on a project about people and their experiences of love, which I'm finding really fun! I've been interviewing them about places, objects or humans that they feel or have felt love for. I think it's something everyone can relate to and would find funny to read.

How has your art developed over the years and how do you see it developing in the future?

I think over the past couple of years, I have managed to work on developing my style more and I am really happy with the direction its going in. I regularly still get days where I hate everything that I draw, but now and again I'll think "I actually kind of like that" and that's what keeps me wanting to draw. I've been experimenting a lot with print-making lately, which I find quite long and complicated sometimes, but really rewarding.

How do you go about preparing for an illustration?

Starting a project is what I find the hardest out of anything. Sometimes it will take me weeks to actually sit down and start. I think a new sketchbook might be one of my biggest fears. But I always love it once I get started, and I think just sitting down and drawing and drawing is the only thing I've found that works. Talking to my friends about ideas and doing research really helps me, and also walking around and seeing new things.

What is your favourite drawing tool?

I think it would have to be a pencil! It's the way I always start my ideas and most of the time they end up being some of my favourite work that I've done. I love things like collage and paint, and sometimes I'll try and use them in my work... but so far my pencil has never failed me.

Can you tell me about your favorite illustration that you have drawn?

I did a drawing of a girl in a cardigan a while ago now and I think it's still probably my favourite. It's only a pencil drawing, but I think it might be because she is wearing a cardigan. I am a cardigan enthusiast... I honestly have about 40 but I don't have the heart to get rid of any of them.

Can we expect any exciting new projects?

I have a few plans to collaborate on some new work soon with some friends... hopefully we will all be organised enough to finish it!

You can find more of Emily's work at You can also follow her on Twitter!

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