Saturday, 10 January 2015

DIY Corkboard
 by Lauren

This cork board is so easy to make and so useful to have!  I got the idea from something I saw in a Pottery Barn Teen catalogue a little while ago, but the item I saw was a bit over priced.  I knew I would never buy one, so I thought I could make one!  Everything here is very affordable and easy to work with.  The hardest part is finding the right material and ribbon combo! Naturally, I went for colorful polka dots. 

I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and please let me know how you get one! Now have fun and get creative!

Gathering the materials is the hardest part of this tutorial, trust me! I used: a cork board, some glue, fabric, scissors, and ribbon.

Lie your fabric on a flat surface, right side down. Then, place your corkboard in the center of your fabric. Glue the overhanging fabric onto the back of the corkboard, as shown in the picture above!

Turn it over and look... we are getting somewhere!

Next, take your ribbon and create a pattern that you like, criss-crossing on the front of your corkboard. Make sure that your lengths of ribbon overhang the edges of the cork board. Then, making sure to keep the ribbons tight against the face of the cork board, glue the overhanging edges to the back of the board.

Now... Fill your board with beautiful things!

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